Finding the Right Treatment for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that causes hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty staying focused. It can impact a variety of aspects of life, ranging from education to work performance to relationships. It’s generally an issue thought of as a concern in children, but adults can suffer from ADHD not diagnosed during childhood, as well.

Fortunately, no matter your age, Dr. Stracks of Psy-Visions can help treat ADHD with a customized treatment approach.

Thorough Evaluation

ADHD symptoms are often noticed by teachers, caregivers, parents, and other adults around the patient. It is most often diagnosed during childhood, but some people can go undiagnosed for many years.

Once symptoms are identified, patients should see a psychiatrist to get an assessment. During the evaluation, the psychiatrist will ask questions about any current medical issues you have as well as your personal and family medical histories. Part of the exam will include questions about your symptoms of ADHD and how they impact your daily life. Generally, your doctor will use a psychological test or ADHD rating scale during the evaluation.

The evaluation will give the psychiatrist insight into the severity of the ADHD as well as any medical conditions that could interfere with medications that could be a part of treatment.

Trial and Error

ADHD is not curable but can be managed well with a variety of treatments, including medication, cognitive behavior therapy, and lifestyle changes. A treatment plan that works for one patient won’t necessarily work for another. Sometimes, it takes time to come up with an effective treatment approach. Crafting the right treatment plan requires frequent and transparent communication between the psychiatrist and the patient and their family.


One of the most common ways of managing ADHD is through medication. A psychiatrist may recommend a stimulant drug like amphetamine or methylphenidate to manage the symptoms of ADHD. Amphetamines are central nervous system stimulants. They stimulate receptors in the brain while enhancing the activity of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine – chemical messengers responsible for pleasure and attention.

Methylphenidates prohibit the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine, which increases their activity. Methylphenidates and amphetamines aren’t for people with health concerns, such as heart problems, glaucoma bipolar disorder, or a history of drug abuse.

Non-stimulants, on the other hand, are better suited for people with certain health conditions and may benefit those who don’t respond well or have a negative reaction to amphetamines or methylphenidates. These also work on neurotransmitters but do so more slowly. Therefore, they’re less risky for people with certain health conditions.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Another way of managing ADHD is through cognitive behavior therapy. This involves challenging and changing the way you perceive yourself and others around you. It can be helpful in establishing coping mechanisms to ease some symptoms and trying to redirect your thought process. It can also involve lifestyle changes that will help improve your quality of life.

Experienced Psychiatrist in Southbury, CT and New York, NY

At Psy-Visions, Dr. Stracks treats patients of all ages with ADHD. He will work with you to craft an effective treatment plan that is best suited to your lifestyle and comfort. We aim to deliver high-quality, compassionate care to every patient.

Book an appointment with Psy-Visions today, serving New York City, Southbury, and the surrounding areas. Call us at (718) 887-2918, or use our online appointment scheduling tool for an in-person or telepsychiatry appointment.


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